Blog: Finding Relief From Stress And Anxiety

It’s a new year, which means it’s the perfect time to cultivate a sense of wellness within your life. One of our favorite tools to help you take charge of your emotional wellbeing is HeartMath.

As a Certified HeartMath Provider, Claudia Harpe can practice these simple tools with you with the assistance of biofeedback, allowing you to witness your body’s shift into a more calm and harmonious state in real time. Anyone can participate in the program, and it is scientifically proven to reduce stress by increasing inner balance and self security. These tools offer many benefits to health as they foster calmness, improve sleep, decrease anxiety, and boost energy. Furthermore, this program helps you activate coherence – an optimal psychological state in which the heart, mind, and emotions align in cooperation and harmony.

We’ve experienced the power of HeartMath personally and seen its essence in our friends, coworkers, and patients. Heart Breath and Quick Coherence are wonderful tools to relieve stress and quickly regain emotional balance. Just a quick session each day will help you transform your stress and anxiety into a more positive and calm state. By calming the nervous system, this allows for a more clear mind and will create resilience for future stress triggers and daily anxieties that can deplete your energy. You can practice these as part of your daily self care routine every morning or at a time you choose, and also enlist it when triggers arise to stop the energy drain that typically follows our daily stressors. Check out page two by clicking the button below for a detailed guide to activating Quick Coherence. Good luck and let us know how you like it!

Read about our Anxiety and Stress Relief Exercise

To really amplify this process and other tools for stress transformation, we offer the incredible biofeedback tool and coaching for you to learn and practice. The program is simple and only requires a few visits. With a personal unit, we can even do these remotely. The beauty rests in the fact that once you learn these strategies, they become lifelong tools that will help you relieve anxiety and stress whenever and wherever. Book a Session today: 828-435-2352

Stress and anxiety have an enormous impact on our overall health and immunity: their presence can even rob our bodies of vital vitamins and minerals, cloud our mental state and lead to an increase in “foggy thinking”. Our holistic wellness center, however, is here to remedy these tribulations. We offer brain gym/training to help with attention, memory, focus and improved performance: such a strategy has been scientifically proven to result in great improvements in cognition. Moreover, we also have vitamin shots and supplements that can be delivered to your door to help give you the boost you need. Ask us about nutrition coaching and guidance to individualize your wellness experience.

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Asheville: (828) 435-2352
Hendersonville: (828) 595-3113