Blog: You Are What You Eat

“You are what you eat.” It’s a phrase we’ve all heard more times than we can count but do we really ever think about what it actually means?

How many times have you ordered a pizza and ended up eating more than you might have originally planned? Or taken out a sleeve of Oreos swearing you were only going to have one and then realize you’ve somehow eaten the whole thing? While fulfilling as it may be while you’re eating, almost as soon as you’re done the next thing out of your mouth is probably “Ugh!!!” or ” That was a bad idea!”

On the flip side, I feel pretty confident you’ve never regretted eating too much broccoli or grilled chicken. We all instinctively know these foods are obviously better for us but have you ever really thought about why? Simply put: ingredients. Could you even pronounce or guess half of the listed ingredients for the pizza or Oreos? Now think of the broccoli and chicken. A lot easier to name. Quite simply, the simpler the food, the less likely you’re going to feel any negative effects after you eat it.

In a land of processed foods and ingredient lists as long as CVS receipts, is it really any wonder the foods we eat are affecting us negatively? We are so used to the instant gratification these foods provide, we don’t even stop to think if they’re good for us. Instead of settling for “good enough” we should emphasize filling our bodies with the best fuel possible. But how?

Asheville Nutrition

Anyone can tell you to “eat more vegetables” or “watch your carbs” but while that may help you lose weight, it likely won’t help you use your diet to help find your best you.

With an individual nutrition evaluation we can help you find the best possible nutrition plan catered just to you and any special needs you may have. If you’re going to put forth the effort, shouldn’t you make sure you’re doing it right from the start?

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