Blog: Time To Take Out The Cellular Trash

Have you been sitting too long? Time to Take Out the Trash!!! Did you know that the lymph system is the body’s garbage disposal system. Along with fighting disease, the lymph system gathers waste and excess fluid from cells and blood vessels. The only clincher: Unlike the vascular system, it does not have a large pump like the heart. It relies on skeletal muscles and movement to pump this “garbage” up to be dumped into the venous system so that it can be excreted out of the body. So, do your body a favor and take out the trash periodically!! Keep Moving throughout the day, do not remain sedentary for more than an hour. If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods- Get up, stretch, and walk around the office. Setting a timer to go off every hour, perhaps on your phone, can remind you to get up and move!

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