A woman with her hands on her face.


When You Shine, We Shine!

Conveniently located to serve Hendersonville, NC and Asheville, NC

Restore Volume and Skin Radiance

In Asheville and Hendersonville NC

Sculptrais an FDA-approved injectable that helps to gradually replace collagen in areas that have lost volume. Because Sculptra is stimulating your own bodies collagen production, results can last up to two years. Sculptra is injected similarly to natural hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, but results develop gradually over time. On average, 3 treatments are usually recommended spaced 1 month apart. This allows your new collagen to build upon itself, restoring lost volume gradually resulting in a very natural appearance. Because volume loss is very unique to the individual, it is best to come in for a consultation with one of our highly experienced doctors. You will receive an individualized recommendation, address questions and concerns and see if Sculptra is right for you.

Smiling young woman in red shirt

How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra is made with a collagen stimulator, poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), that is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body. During the process after the treatment, the PLLA stimulates collagen production in the dermis, gradually restoring facial volume and the look of fullness to wrinkles and folds. This new production of collagen also provides the “Sculptra Glow”, as your skin becomes healthier and more radiant looking. We have master injectors at Harpe Laser and Wellness that can guide you in your rejuvenation journey. Make an appointment with one of our expert injectors at one of our convenient locations in Asheville or Hendersonville NC.

How many treatments will I need?

Sculptra works with your body within the deep dermis to revitalize collagen production and restore the underlying structure of the skin. The number of treatments vary from person to person, depending on how much collagen has been lost. On average, three injection appointments are needed over a period of a few months.


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