Shot of a beautiful young woman posing against a blue background


When You Shine, We Shine!

Conveniently located to serve Hendersonville, NC and Asheville, NC
BioTe Certified Provider

Are you wondering where to begin to change your health? We’d love to show you the ropes.

A journey to greater health can be overwhelming. It is often difficult to know where to begin, especially if this is something new for you. Research shows that people who work closely with a health coach rarely give up, and achieve their health goals more quickly and easily. Working with a professional can save you time, confusion and money, and make all the difference in your success.

Claudia Harpe OT, NTP

Your health coach will listen, evaluate, and problem-solve with you to create a comprehensive and individualized plan that addresses not only nutrition and fitness but also how your daily life situations (such as stress levels, sleep, and social or emotional struggles) are affecting your ability to make positive shifts and attain healthier habits. Your specific needs such as gut health, immunity, food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies are evaluated and incorporated into your plan. Working with your health coach, you will be armed with the latest and greatest information on how to get healthy, lose weight and attain your health goals.

Your coach will help you keep your health journey exciting, rich and effective!

Your coach will also provide you with great tips on easy to prepare recipes, grocery store finds, food preparation and storage, how to handle restaurants and eating out, plus much more. They will also point out dangerous or misleading information that may be trending.

Holistic Health/ Nutrition Coaching includes:

  • A customized plan
  • Email support
  • Specific recommendations
  • Hands-on learning experience
  • The latest scientific information
  • Goal-setting
  • Help sorting through the latest diet trends and fads
  • Tips and tools to help you identify real and sustainable ways to optimize your health

Call us today to get started


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Explore Our Services

We offer various services and procedures

Laser Facial Treatments Asheville NC

Laser Procedures

Facials Services Asheville NC

Facial Services

Injectable Treatment Asheville NC

Injectable Procedures

Health Beauty Supplements Asheville NC

Health + Beauty

Contact Us

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Asheville: (828) 435-2352
Hendersonville: (828) 595-3113